Lipo Synergy Thermo Booster está especialmente diseñado para efectivamente:
Suprimir el apetito
Bloquear la absorción de la grasa dietética
Control de la ingesta de grasas
Acelerar el metabolismo
Liberar el cuerpo de toxinas
Quemar grasa especialmente en abdomen, muslos y glúteos
Beneficios: Producto termogenico para ayudar a eliminar grasa y perdida de peso. Tiene ingredientes naturales que podrían concentrarse en la perdida de grasa abdominal. Comúnmente ayuda a control de apetito, quemar calorías y diurético.
Uso Sugerido: Adultos, tomar 1 capsula en la mañana con el desayuno
NR NATURAL Supplement & More
We are a Puerto Rican company specialized in the distribution of high quality natural health supplements with more than 10 years of experience.We are always at the forefront with the latest in natural products for all ages. We stand out for promoting physical and emotional well-being, looking from a holistic point of view and thus creating an effective natural solution for the Puerto Rican population. Our goal is to create a healthy lifestyle for our clients where they can use natural products without the need to damage the most important organism, our body, with chemicals.Our greatest wish is for you to try our products and contact us to hear about the benefits to your health. In this way we can develop other products and help our Puerto Rico.